My Top 10 Articles for this week range from early childhood education addressing gender bias, the way to manage professional life, Google Map’s new feature aiming to improve public transportation trip, to central bank independence.
This article talks about how to find your values, to clarify your vision, and to create a personal mission statement, and why your effectiveness as a parent will be boosted through taking those steps.
This article tells the story about what brought me from a small town in northern Japan all the way to one of the most prestigious institutions in Japan and to IMF in Washington DC.
Fatherhood is wonderful and brings a lot of joy from the moment that they meet their children for the first time; however, today’s fathers are facing unique yet significant challenges that are not fully recognized even by their own family members. In this article, I discuss the challenges encountered by fathers.
International relocation gives us precious learning opportunities, although it entails challenges. In this article, I talk about positive aspects of our international relocation to Jordan, the challenges we faced, and how we turned those challenges into great learning opportunities.
Information gives you power. With knowledge, you can take control more on your destiny. But, it’s easy to say than done, as many parents (including me) are too busy to spend time acquiring essential information. Against this backdrop, I have decided to post pick my top 10 news and articles within a week that I believe convey essential information to me and my blog’s readers.